You’re Almost There

Press On.”  Philippians 3:14 NIV
Psychologists say the strongest influence on our present is often our past. But Paul tells us to forget the past, and focus on "what lies ahead... press on to...receive the heavenly prize (V. 13-14 LT). One counselor writes: I know you're tired... overwhelmed. as thougn... this hard time will last forever. It won't. You are almost there. You don't just think it has been hard; it has been hard. You have been tested and retested on what you have learned. Your faith tried in fire. More problems occurred than you anticipated... You did not plan on this, yet it has been good. Part of you, your spirit), has sensed this even when your head told you that things were out of whack.. that there was no plan, that God had forgotten you. Each incident-the most painful, troubling, most surprising- has a connection.""In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose* (Ro 8:28 NIV). The counselor continues, "Things were meant to happen this way. You didn't believe it would take this long, but it did. You have learned patience. Many moments you thought you were forgotten. Now things are coming into place. You are almost at the end of this difficult portion of the journey. You have been climbing a mountain. It has not been easy, but mountain climbing is never easy. Now, you are near the top. A moment longer, and victory shall be yours. Steady your shoulders. Breathe deeply. Move forward in confidence. The time is coming to enjoy all which you have fought for... Your struggle has not been in vain. For every struggle on this journey, there is a climax, a resolution...There will be more mountains, but now you know how to climb them."
This message taken from: Daily Devotional - The Word For You Today





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