Reaching - Teaching - Serving - Worshipping - Fellowshipping
The Christian life is meant to be lived in close relationship with other believers. We seek to deepen our community by caring for each other through small groups, Sunday School classes and other opportunities for service and caring. Read more about our ministry opportunities listed below!

Bereavement Ministry
Ministry Leader: Alice Burton
To minister to the bereaved families in our church and community by offering our assistance of feeding the family, donations, errands, etc.

Boyz to Men Ministry
Ministry Leader: Anthony Tate
To provide leadership, nurturing, and support to young boys elementary to college in our church and community.

Bylaws Handbook Team
Ministry Leader: Hattie Harris

Children's Ministry
Ministry Leader: Simone Teague
To nourish the children of our church and community spiritually as they experience the joy of interacting with other children, while also building bonds of friendship. Our greatest emphasis is on leading children into a vibrant, lasting and eternal relationship with Jesus Christ!

Church Beautification
Ministry Leader: Mamie Owens
To be good stewards and caretakers of the facility God has given us!

Crochet Class
Ministry Leader: Joanette Henderson
To create an environment of fellowship while also learning the craft of crocheting.
Deacon's Ministry
Ministry Leader: Jeffrey Sligh
A ministry where the Deacons join the Pastor and the Church Staff in ministering to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of each church member and family. The resident church families are divided into groups, and each group of families is then assigned to a Deacon who will minister to them over a period of time.

Deacons' Wives Ministry
Ministry Leader: Glenda Hawthorne
To aid in the administration of the church's ordinances and other ministries of the church.

Hope for Healing Ministry
Ministry Leader: Tomika Rogers
The Hope for Healing Ministry was created in 1998 to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and education to the members of Reedy Fork Baptist Church and the surrounding communities in order to decrease the further spread of HIV and AIDS. Ministry members become an agent of change by communicating information that prevents the further spread of HIV/AIDS and provides a voice for the otherwise voiceless – those affected and infected with HIV/AIDS.

Inspirational Choir
Ministry Leader: Patricia Hawthorne
To witness to others through singing of songs and praise to our Lord.

Library/Media Center
Ministry Leader: Alice Burton
To develop, staff, and stock the Church Library with the appropriate materials to better serve our congregation and community through reading and studying.

Married Couples Ministry
Ministry Leader: Meneyonne Hedgepeth
To reach, strengthen and encourage the married couples of RFBC using Biblical principles.
Ministry Leader: Linda Robertson
To provide information about events and activities within our church and community.

Partners in Prayer Ministry
Ministry Leader: Anna Hawthorne
To unite the church in prayer so that we may demonstrate the power of God in our lives and carry out the mission and tasks God has assigned us to do.

Scholarship Ministry
Ministry Leader: Bradley Robinson
To provide scholarships, support, and information, on funding sources, internships, special programs, and employment opportunities.

Sunday School
Ministry Leader: John Harris
To teach God's Word for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry and providing a forum whereby the unsaved in our community can come into a saving knowledge of Christ our Savior.

Telecare Ministry
Ministry Leader: Daisy Hill
To provide a phone check-in to persons who are shut in or living alone.

Van Ministry
Ministry Leader: John R. Jennings
To aid those in need of transportation to and from church and church related activities.
Wedding Ministry
Ministry Leader: Ethel Perry
To provide assistance and guidance to persons regarding church weddings.

Youth Ministry
Ministry Leader: Stefani Brothers
To enable our youth to grow in faith, develop a positive self concept, and to see the relationship of faith to important issues in their lives, along with growing in their ability to develop honest, open and caring relationships with significant adults.