Tell Them While You Still Can

“Gracious words are….sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”  Proverb 15:24 NIV
Read this:  “ I remember when I took your new car on the road and wrecked it.  I thought you would be livid and come down hard on me, but you didn’t.  I remember when we went to the beach, and you didn’t want to go because you said it was going to rain. We went, and it rained. I was sure you would rub it in and say, I told you sor But you didn't. Then there was the time when I spilled blueberry juice down the front of your new white tuxedo. I knew you would be upset and blame me. But you didh't. And remember that formal evening? I was mistaken and told you it was casual. You wore blue jeans and felt like a fish out of water. I was sure you would storm out in anger and leave me standing there. But you didn't. I wanted to tell you how much loved you and how much l appreciated you for all those things when you returned from Afghanistan. But you didn't? Don't spend the future regretting unspoken words someone needs to hear. "Gracious words are...sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Few things are more effective than the right word at the right time. By the same token, words of kindness withheld are a heavy burden to live with. That's why the Bible says, "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad" (Pr 12:25 ESV). Don't let shyness or fear of rejection keep you from saying what needs to be said. Tell them while you still can.

This message taken from: Daily Devotional - The Word For You Today





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