Confess Your Sins To God

"I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt...And you forgave me!"      Psalm 32:5 NLT  

In Scripture, the word confession is comprised of two forms of the same Greek root: ohmo, meaning "the same," and logeo, meaning "to speak."  Therefore, confessing your sin to God means saying the same thing about it as He does.  It means calling a spade a spade--not a gardening tool!  Nowhere does the Bible refer to our sins as mistakes, bad judgments, and slips.  However, it clearly says God forgives our sin: " He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins" (Isaiah 43:25 NKJV).  So lets be clear.  (1) Confessing isn't about apologizing.  Saying you're sorry is appropriate and necessary at times.  But you could never be sorry enough to deserve or earn God's forgiveness.  Confessing is agreeing with God about the nature, extent, and offensiveness of your transgressions.  (2) Confessing isn't about feelings.  Some of us plunge into remorse, guilt, and depression over our sins.  And when such feelings lead to confession, that's good.  But even when we don't feel these emotions, our confession is just as genuine and effective.  (3) Confessing isn't complaining.  Making a laundry list of your sins and telling God how terrible you are is more akin to complaining than confessing.  Coming clean with God and agreeing with His evaluation of your sin is what He wants from you.  Then, like David, you can say, "I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt...And you forgave me!  All my guilt is gone."  So, confess your sins to God--then start acting like someone who has been forgiven!

This message taken from: Daily Devotional - The Word For You Today





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